Besides being an artist Anjaneya is also inventor of a tin grinding machine which is a handy equipment for all the artisans. This machine eases the work of grinding of tin. A lot of man power is saved.
The color blended with tin liquid lasts for a longer time which is used for painting all the arts manufactured by KINNAL artisans.
Since Mr.Anjaneya was facing financial problem to manufacture the equipment for this machine, the TEPP-TUC-SSIT granted him funds to continue his Innovation.
To run a pilot test, now Anjaneya has got the machine manufactured and has installed in his workshed. This is being innaugurated on 16th of December 2008, in the presence of Dr.A.S.Rao, Dr. Vijayavital Dr.Krishnamurthy & Mr.Sanjay Kumar who are responsible for turning the dream of making a Tin Grinding Machine into a reality.